+ The Virtual Studio (Work in Progress)
Immersive VR Project
presented at:
- The National Gallery London UK July 1996
(Conference Presentation)
- The Architecture Foundation, London March 1997
(Exhibition: 07-16th March Public Views 02 Artifice)
- Institute of Contemporary Art,
London UK 5th July 1997
Parallel Space Conference Presentation
- Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria 1997
- ISEA in Chicago USA 1997
(Exhibition 22-27th September )
- ISEA in Liverpool UK, 02-07September 1998
(Conference Panel)
Work featured in the book Envisioning Cyberspace
by Peter Anders (Mcgraw-Hill 1998)

Work in Progress: The Virtual Studio was designed as an evolving real-time immersive virtual environment. For four years it was a studio, experimental laboratory and gallery.
The project was made while I was the Research Assistant for the Virtual Reality as a Fine Art Medium Research Project at Chelsea, led by the Performance Artist, Dr Kevin Atherton.
A number of key developments were addressed in the making of the work:
Enter into the picture
+ The use of a personal visual language to visualise the space. using drawing as a way to describe the world challenged the notion of reality in Virtual Reality. We could move beyond the frame and be 'in the picture'.
Sketchbook, Studio and Gallery
+ Bringing my drawings to life allowed for the testing of the changed relationship between the Artist, the Audience and the Work. The space became a studio, a laboratory and a gallery for creative exploration, experimentation and presentation.
Consensual memory palace
+ The work was shown at a number of national and international conferences and Exhibitions - it was demonstrated live and in real-time, a shared memory space building on developments outlined in Frances Yates' book The Art of Memory.
Posthuman viewpoints
+ The virtual camera allowed different perspectives and narrative positions in the work. The participant was at different times able to adopt a first person view or see the world as a virtual pet, an ant, a fly or from a bird's eye view.
Global Collaboration
+ It was the intention to enable the participant to contribute to the construction of the space by picking up a virtual pencil and drawing a door or a window to extend the spatial narrative further.

+ ICA Deep Screen Diving Event.

+ ICA Parallel Space Event

+ Envisioning Cyberspace
by Peter Anders (Mcgraw-Hill 1998)

+ Overview of the drawn space of the Studio/Gallery in Work In Progress

+ Drawing Room: The images we see first are sketchbook images which inspired the work

+ Drawing in Space, pick up a virtual pencil to add to the space and create new spatial narratives.

+ On reflection. The reflection in a virtual world is made of the same material as the world it reflects.
